dagtheman: i really want her shirt. is it innapropriate to ask?
mutantmonkey: dagtheman: just ask anyway
mutantmonkey: it doesn't matter
mutantmonkey: it says SQL Server on the back
mutantmonkey: so it may be their team shirt
dagtheman: mutantmonkey: im just concerned that it's the only one she has and she would have to undress
mutantmonkey: dagtheman: haha
mutantmonkey: well she has a shirt on under it it looks like
aam: dagtheman likes the girl?
Timelord: dagtheman: that would just make it more interesting
Timelord: go for it!
flax: dagtheman: is she hot?
dagtheman: no
dagtheman: but shirt is ok
Timelord: lol
flax: oh, ok
flax: go for shirt
dagtheman: after talk
flax: "Hay, I really like your shirt. It looks good. But it'll look even better on my bedroom floor"
xunil: MY WIFE