Quotes Tagged 'echarlie'
jpo: As much as I might find the extent of our society’s reliance on personal metal boxes on 4 wheels to be distasteful, having one’s own metal box does have undeniable utility. I went several hundred miles in someone else’s metal box with the check engine and BRAKE light on a flashing and blinking the whole time, through rain and that snow/ice/sleet/hail storm, and control of the vehicle was indeed lost. Mildly terrifying. Lots of highways with semis too. Having my own metal box without these real and present risks to life and limb seems overdue jpo: Traction control light (ABS not working) was also on. Along with a couple other lights. Only light that was any consolation was the “passenger airbag on” light
19:12 <+echarlie> in the category of random shit I learnt from my safety trainings: apparently the romans used lead as a wine sweetener 19:17 <+Southern_Gentleman> so they died by lead poisoning one way or another 19:17 * pew calls dibs on echarlie's bike 19:18 <+pew> the road bike, specifically 19:18 <+echarlie> pew: what does that have to do with anything? 19:18 <+echarlie> besides, it's too big for you 19:18 <+pew> you drink wine 19:18 <+echarlie> I'm not roman 19:19 <+toocrazzzzy> lol 19:19 <+toocrazzzzy> wtf was that convo. 19:19 <+pew> you're not british either, that hasn't stopped you from speaking like them 19:19 <+echarlie> my question, too 19:19 <+echarlie> I don't speak like europeans; I just write like them 19:20 <+toocrazzzzy> I don't know which is worst. 19:20 <+echarlie> at least I don't use gaol as my prefered spelling of jail 19:21 <+haicen> Yeah. They used lead cups 19:21 <+pew> .ddg openbsd gaol 19:21 <+Wadsworth> pew: https://www.openbsd.org/goals.html 19:21 <+pew> .g openbsd gaol 19:21 <+Wadsworth> pew: https://man.openbsd.org/FreeBSD-11.1/jail.8
// echarlie posts photo of his new vt220, along with slide rules echarlie: that's my new retrotech; dec vt220 echarlie: I need some superglue and retr0brite for it, but it is a fully functional vt220 with a white crt lukas: of course that's a thing lukas: is that actually your battlestation? echarlie: it's a hardware serial console. it is hooked up to my desktop for irc timelord/jpo: Wait, for real? You personally own a vt220 that you actually use? timelord: Because if so, I don’t think many other people or groups would appreciate this properly, but holy shit timelord: I'm legit impressed. Not gonna lie timelord: You have completely transcended timelordism and phased into a new plane of existence