<gig> marcusw: stop yelling
<gig> you're scaring the children
<marcusw> oh shit are there kids here
<marcusw> fuck
<marcusw> wait shit I shouldn't swear
// h4des is ordering pizza, one topping
h4des: which one
pew: eggplant
gig: pepperoni
gig: pepperONI
gig: PepPERONI
pew: PepperNANI
gig: P E P P E R O N I
h4des: bacon it is
echarlie: The wage hokieP is white, and the fac/staff is maroon. I kind of want to replace my orange one. "Gotta catch 'em all", ri/ht?
gig: That's my stance on STDs :D