Quote Browser
dyreshark "you know you're in LUUG when... the last thing you mounted was a partition, the last thing you touched was a file, and the last thing you blew was your laptop with an air canister" dyreshark "when the last head you received was from an HTTP webpage" dyreshark "and the last thing you fingered was a computer on your network"
// Ben and Matt are demoing an IRC bot in ECE 2524 and dkm puts #vtluug on the projector to show what IRC is bwr | hi ece2524! +mutantmonkey | HELLO EVERYONE IN ECE2524 +microcosmus | lol +NaCl | HELLOW ECE2524 +wallmani | You all must be wondering why i brought you here +wallmani | See, this world is a dangerous place +wallmani | You need protection sometimes +wallmani | From things you can't really comprehend +wallmani | Like mutantmonkey, for example. +wallmani | So join our club and we will teach you how to defend yourself and your data against people like mutantmonkey
< wallmani> i went on /r/twoxchromosomes today < wallmani> the females there are just like in real life < wallmani> "that looks great on you" "best of luck on your interview" < wallmani> "that is a gorgeous dress" < wallmani> this is the internet people < wallmani> you are supposed to be mean